Samick piano upright price
Samick piano upright price

Non-adjustable matching stools start at £90.00 and adjustable stools start at £150.00. Additional warranties vary in price and cost £100 for 1 additional year, £200 for 2 additional years and £250 for 3 additional years. Thompson Pianos price of £2,795.00 includes a 3-year warranty with the option of extending if so required. In addition to this, the fallboard that covers the keys integrates a safe slow close system so that no unfortunate accidents occur with fingers getting trapped!

samick piano upright price

Besbrode Pianos is a specialist piano dealer based in Leeds, UK. If you are looking to buy a piano, we offer an unrivalled opportunity to play and compare pianos side by side. We permanently display more than 250 new and pre-owned pianos from leading brands. The strings are manufactured by Rosalu, who are regarded as premium string makers within the acoustic piano industry. Samick SU-121 upright piano with a mahogany case and brass fitings £1500. This creates more overtones which add to its already dynamic tone. The soundboard is made from premium grade solid spruce wood and the frame has been designed using a wet sand-casting iron plate. The piano’s cabinet is based on a traditional American piano design and with its figurative bodylines and chic curves, will beautifully complete any interior design. With its blue undertone it creates the softest of atmospheres, being less intense and cooler than ‘Cooking Apple Green’ but fresher and less grey than ‘Ball Green.’ This fresh and incredibly soft green is reminiscent of the pigment green earth. This beautiful Samick upright has been re-sprayed in the gorgeous ‘Farrow & Ball, Vert De Terre’. Thompson Pianos is delighted to welcome the most unique, quality refurbished upright to our range to date.

Samick piano upright price